No Cold Calling Zones and No Cold Calling stickers

How to take action on unwanted cold callers at your door.

A No Cold Calling Zone (NCCZ) is a nominated area where residents have stated that they do not want traders to cold call at their homes without being invited. They are set up if they meet proportionality criteria that includes incidents of doorstep crime or distraction burglary, are a population more susceptible to doorstep crime, and are within a defined geographic area.

Residents in the nominated NCCZ area are consulted with and with their agreement a NCCZ is set up and an information pack, door sticker and street signage provided.

Trading Standards have set up zones in Suffolk, in partnership with residents, Councillors, Police colleagues and partners.

The zones have been designed to:

  • reduce doorstep crime and distraction burglaries
  • deter cold callers
  • educate residents and empower them not to engage with cold callers

There are currently over 220 zones throughout Suffolk, protecting more than 10,000 homes. Further zones are always under development.

Nearly 25,000 further homes are protected by the supply of an individual No Cold Calling door sticker.

Criteria for setting up a No Cold Calling Zone

  • the main reason for setting up the NCCZ must be crime prevention or reduction, or reducing the fear of crime
  • doorstep crime has been reported in the area; for example, aggressive or misleading doorstep traders have visited the area 
  • the size of the NCCZ must be limited and directly correspond to the geographic scope of the identified problem (normally a road or connected roads)
  • there are residents in the area who are particularly vulnerable to exploitation and/or deception from unsolicited or 'cold' callers
  • there must be consultation with householders within the area prior to the creation of a NCCZ.

How to nominate a No Cold Calling Zone or apply for an individual sticker for your door

We welcome nominations for NCCZ’s from members of the public, local councillors, community groups, sheltered housing teams, Police colleagues and partners.

If you wish to nominate a road in Suffolk as a NCCZ please fill in the form below.

If you live in Suffolk and want an individual No Cold Calling sticker for your door please contact us via 0808 223 1133, 9am to 5pm or email: with your name and address and a FREE sticker will be sent out to you.

Apply for a NCCZ

How to report traders calling in a No Cold Calling Zone

Traders who ignore NCCZ’s or properties that display a NCC sticker that state they do not welcome uninvited traders commit a criminal offence under Consumer Protection law.

Residents who live in a NCCZ or display a NCC sticker and receive a cold call at their door should immediately report these incidents to Trading Standards via 0808 223 1133, or email

You can also report doorstep cold calling incidents to Suffolk Police on 101 or if you feel intimidated or are concerned for vulnerable neighbours by calling 999.

Do you live in a No Cold Calling Zone or display a door sticker?

Please note, the telephone number displayed on your door sticker has changed. If you are approached at the door, you should report it to us via 0808 223 1133.

Please call us via 0808 223 1133, 9am to 5pm or email to receive a replacement sticker.

How do I know if an area is a NCCZ?

Signs are on display in a NCCZ and stickers are on participating householder's door.

You can search for participating NCCZ roads on the map below and by the tabbed lists.


The roads are:

  • Ash Ground Close, Brantham
  • Ashmere Rise, Sudbury
  • Banham Drive, Sudbury
  • Canterbury Road, Sudbury
  • Estuary Road, Shotley
  • First Avenue, Sudbury
  • Green Willows, Lavenham
  • Grove Road, Brantham
  • Head Lane, Great Cornard
  • Highfield Road, Sudbury
  • Highlands Road, Hadleigh
  • High Street, Sproughton
  • Homefield, Capel St Mary
  • Landsdown Road, Sudbury
  • Marlborough Drive, Sudbury
  • Mayfield, Leavenheath
  • New Street, Sudbury
  • Newton Croft, Sudbury
  • Pine Close, Brantham
  • Windermere Rise, Sudbury.

Search for a road listed above on Google Maps.

Contact us

We need members of the public, local councillors, Safer Neighbourhood teams, or any other members of the community who are concerned about crime and doorstop callers, to contact us.

Call 0808 223 1133, 9am to 5pm or email